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Stinky washing machine



Your washing not smelling fresh? It could be your washing machine.

Once a month put you machine on the highest temperature and wash it empty to rid mould


and bacteria.

Grubby shirt collars

Wet the stain, dot on some shampoo and brush with an old tooth brush then let is do its magic for 30 minutes, then pop it into the wash as normal.

Cleaning with vinegar


Cleaning with white vinegar is fab but it can leave that distinctive smell.
For sweeter smelling vinegar with added cleaning power, just add citrus peel to a jar and pour over your white vinegar. Then use as you normally would.

Dust down those radiators

Dust stops radiators from working efficiently. So wipe radiators down with a damp cloth, and use a wire coat hanger wrapped with a cloth around to get between the radiator vents.

Cutting Boards

In most cases, it’s safer to make a salad on a toilet seat than it is to make one on a cutting board. There are 200 times more bacteria from raw meat on the average cutting board than a toilet seat. Most people just rinse their cutting board, but poultry and raw meat can leave behind salmonella and campylobacter.
To keep cutting boards clean either steam clean, antibacterial or put them in the dishwasher after each use. Also use separate ones for raw meat, salad, fish and bread

Cloudy drinking glasses

Soak kitchen paper in white vinegar and rub the glass inside and out to remove the film then rinse. You now have sparkling glasses to be proud of.

Musty smelling towels


Wash them on the hottest setting suitable with nothing other than white vinegar. Once the cycle has finished wash once more as you would do normally. Sweet smelling fluffy towels.

Remove limescale from your kettle.

All you need to do is, pour in white vinegar until the element is covered and then boil. Just repeat if needed. Before you use, boil with water and then pour away.

Rid shower heads of mineral deposits


Simply tie a plastic bag filled with vinegar around the shower head and leave to soak over night. Then just remove and rinse off.

Dusty Lampshade


Lamp shades can be a real pain to remove dust from. We have found that one of the simplest ways with great results is to use a lint roller.

Baking soda


Use baking soda and water instead of expensive cream cleaners when you need that extra scrubbing power.

Kitchen cupboard grime


Clean the grime from the top of kitchen cupboards using kitchen roll and white distilled vinegar.

Stain removing tip.

Help to remove grease stains from clothes by rubbing the stain with chalk before tossing it into the wash.

Revive dirty grout


To revive tired and dirty grout, simply mix bleach and baking powder into a paste and scrub grout using an old toothbrush. Leave on for 20 mins and wash off.

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